" Enabling women and girls to change their world "



With a population exceeding 220 million, Pakistan is the world's fifth-most populous country. Three-quarters of the country's population live in poor rural areas. It is also currently one of the youngest countries in the world with 64% of the population below the age of 30, and 29% between the ages of 15-29 years. This therefore presents Pakistan human development challenges and opportunities from the perspective of its youth. Despite the rapid population growth, Pakistan's 2017 population census men make up 51% of the population while 49% are women, indicating a sex ratio of 105 men for every 100 women. In other words, there are 5 million more men than women.

Status of Women and Girls

Despite, the fact that women have held high offices in Pakistan, including a female Prime Minister, the status of women varies considerably across classes, regions and the rural/urban divide. In fact, according to a study, Pakistan ranks the fourth worst country in the world in terms of women's peace, security, inclusion and justice. Violence against women and girls remained widespread even before they are born. For example, more girls would have been born If it was not for the son-bias in the country. According to the research, half a million more female children should have been born between 2010-15.

Women are also experiencing domestic violence, honour killings, rape and abduction, marital rape, acid attacks, forced marriages, as well as induced abortions.

Statistics on Women and Girls:
  • Pakistan has among the poorest pregnancy outcomes worldwide, significantly worse than many other low-resource countries.
  • 1000 honour killings every year
  • 27% of Pakistani women have faced violence from their intimate partners
  • 21% girls marry before the age of 18
  • Women's average years of schooling is only five years
  • 5 million primary school-age children out of school - most of them are girls.
  • Only 24% of Pakistani women are employed